That Weems Guy Podcast is an excellent conversation every time, but this particular episode is very interesting as it is from a legal perspective. Your host, Lee Weems is a current law enforcement officer in Georgia, and a Rangemaster Instructor. Lee is also the owner of First Person Safety, a firearms instruction business that has standard and non standard firearm offering, even including lever action defensive rifle.
The guest, Alex Ooley is an attorney that has made his specialty self defense law. Unfortunately, in most law schools, including Alex's, not much true self defense law is taught, so it must become a self study. But study Alex did and has some remarkable breakdowns of high profile (and not so high profile) cases that both host and guest poi t out the issues with the media perception versus the actual law and procedure.
They go further into the legal discussion with examination of supreme court cases, and lower court decisions that relate to firearms freedoms and many freedoms in general.
All in all, this is an amazing civics lesson, and pointed out a great number of procedural issues relating to all self defense claims and certain past cases.
That Weems Guy Podcast can be found at https://creators.spotify.com/pod/show/lee-weems or anywhere you get your podcasts.